If you include the next line in all your web pages, they will all share the same look. This makes it easier to make new pages for your site. -->

This is my website.

Not my professional website. Not my personal website. Just... my website.

I wrote my senior year thesis on the perils of self-branding and the limitations of normative professionalism— it would be hypocritical of me to force my website, a digital representation of me, to be "on-brand" and "professional." So I've decided to lean into the chaos; the professional and the personal, the serious and the silly, and everything in-between will coexist on this one site.

(And if you, as an employer, are turned off by that; let's be honest, I wasn't going to fit into your workplace culture anyway.)

This is my first time coding a website, so please reach out to me if you find any bugs!



Email Me

Or follow me on social media:

  • The Instagram logo.

    Occasional personal life updates and an easy way to direct-message me.

  • The LinkedIn logo.

    Anything to do with my education and professional life.

  • The Tumblr logo.

    Nerdy interests, memes, and the like. Mostly reblogs.

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